Pat Mastronardo, a resident of Florida for the past twenty years, has encountered diverse commercial and family disputes as a mediator, arbitrator, and financial consultant.  Previously, Pat had been active as a New York attorney, Wall Street commercial banker, chief corporate financial officer, and an international business owner.

In Florida, with a positive approach, creative skill, and record of accomplishment, Pat has earned the respect of his peers in the profession of dispute resolution. His extensive areas of knowledge are described in the Business Services and Family Elder Care Mediation pages of this website. Pat is serving on the Grievance Mediation & Fee Arbitration Committee of The Florida Bar for its 2023-2024 Bar year.

His preferred means of dispute resolution is the versatile art form of mediation. The differences in mediation, arbitration, and consulting are briefly described in Alternative Dispute Resolution Options 

In recent years, Pat has grown to recognize the inherent value of transparent collaborative family mediation that seeks to preserve sibling relationships while addressing complex differences of opinion as to the most appropriate care of the elderly.

Conferences may be conducted via Zoom, in-person, or in a manner most convenient to the participants.